As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, cannabis prohibition varies across European countries. Here’s a general overview of the status of cannabis prohibition in Europe with https://gas-dank.com:
Cannabis Prohibition in Europe
- Fully Legalized:
- None of the European countries have fully legalized recreational cannabis for adult use.
- Medical Cannabis:
- Several European countries have legalized the use of medical cannabis or have established medical cannabis programs. These countries include Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Czech Republic, Poland, and others.
- The regulations surrounding medical cannabis vary, including restrictions on qualifying conditions, the availability of products, and the prescription process.
- Decriminalization:
- Some European countries have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use. Decriminalization typically means that possession of small amounts may result in minor penalties, such as fines, rather than criminal charges.
- Countries with varying degrees of decriminalization include Portugal, Spain, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Switzerland, and others.
- Cannabis Social Clubs:
- Some countries, such as Spain and Belgium, have established cannabis social clubs. These are non-profit organizations where members can collectively cultivate and share cannabis for personal use within certain limits.
- Legalization for Personal Use:
- In a few European countries, the possession and cultivation of small amounts of cannabis for personal use have been partially or fully legalized. For example, in the Netherlands, the sale of cannabis through regulated coffee shops is tolerated, although not fully legalized.
- Strict Prohibition:
- Several European countries maintain strict prohibition laws, criminalizing the possession, cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis. These countries include Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, and others.

It’s important to note that cannabis laws are subject to change, and there may have been updates since my knowledge cutoff date. Therefore, it is advisable to consult up-to-date official sources and local legislation for accurate information regarding cannabis prohibition in specific European countries.
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